Year #3, Week #25 🎽

Homework Plan

  • 1 day King C assignment 👑
  • 3 days Execute Program
  • 1 day Flashcards Web App Final Assignment
  • 1 day CS50 Speller

Flashcards Webapp Assignment

  • Make sure you’ve addressed all the feedback from your last API MR, and corrected the stuff I pointed out (most of you have some changes to make), and merged, etc.
  • Read all of these steps/hints, etc, before starting
  • In your web-app, implement 4 new functionalities:
    • The ability to add a new card (with route: /cards/new)
    • The ability to add a new category (with route: /categories/new)
    • The ability to EDIT an existing card (with route: /cards/:id)
    • The ability to EDIT an existing category (with route: /categories/:id)
  • You can put the links to these routes anywhere you want, where I put them that made it sort of easy is shown below:

    final web app screenshot
  • You might want to make a <EditCardScreen /> container component, and another one for <EditCategoryScreen />
  • You can retrieve the dynamic portion of the react-router-dom URL by importing useParams() and doing something like this:
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

// ... then, INSIDE the function component
const { id } = useParams<{ id: string }>();
  • I also ended up making a container to wrap my EditCard and EditCategory presentational components.
  • Remember the trick that our api will create a resource when there is NO id present, and will update when the id is present.
  • If you get a blank screen of doom when trying to develop your new routes (with an error in the console), check your index.html file and change the reference to index.js to /index.js.
  • If you want, you can follow along with me:
  • When you finish, merge your recent API changes into master on your

King C Assignment 👑

  • Slowly and Carefully read chapter 20 of King C.
  • No exercizes or projects this week. 👍


  • Note: Speller is technically part of next week’s homework, but since canoe trip, and etc, and some of you are working ahead, I put it here, you’re welcome to start it.
  • Note #2: Steps 3-6 are listed first because you’ll need to do them in order to follow along with reading the assignment on the Harvard site, which tells you to read the code and look in the various directories.
  • FORK this repo:, then clone YOUR fork.
  • make a new branch
  • make sure you did the last step
  • to get all of the texts and dictionaries and “keys”, you’ll need to run a command I put into the Makefile. run make download in your terminal. It will take a few seconds, but when it’s done, you should have some (git-ignored) directories: keys/, dictionaries/ and texts/.
  • Make sure you’ve watched all of CS50, thru to the end, first.
  • Also, make sure you’ve read (if you haven’t already), this page (thru section 20.3)
  • Slowly and carefully read the assignment from the CS50 site.
  • If you’re feeling a little daunted, ask your parent to allow you to watch these Youtube videos, which are the “walkthrough” videos made by CS50 for this assignment (about 25 minutes total):
  • To compile your code, I recommend using the default Makefile tarket by running just make.
  • Complete the task as outlined in the CS50 website.
  • Check that you’re getting the correct results by comparing your output with the keys/* files.
  • Submit a MR, slack me the URL.
  • If you want to be part of a friendly HTC competition for speed, clone your solution down onto the HTC pi (so that we’re all benchmarking on the same hardware), and run your speller code against the “bible” text. My total speed was 3.45 seconds on the PI. See if you can beat that. :)
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