Year #2, Week #16 đŸ’» 🚑

New stuff we learned this week: đŸ€”

Anchor Element Goodies ⚓

  • the good old anchor element <a> can link to more than just web pages. They can also link to an email address, which when clicked will open up the users default email program:
<a href="">Big Jefe</a>
  • they can also link to a telephone number which will open the phone app if the user is browsing on a mobile phone, and on a desktop, the operating system will take it’s best guess how to handle the link:
<a href="tel:15558675309">Call Jenny</a>
  • anchor tags can also link to a LOCATION WITHIN a webpage. To do that, you just add a hash symbol and a valid id that exists on the page:
<a href="/cats#faqs">Read the FAQs</a>
  • a new CSS attribute allows us to smoothly scroll to a location identified by an html ID — something that used to be possible only with javascript:
html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)

  • CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) is a mechanis that allows a server to indicate which other origins (think domains) a browser should permit to fetch resources from it. It’s a security thing since bad guys try to do bad things on the web.
  • terminology: an origin is a combination of:
    • scheme: http or https
    • host: the domain — or, etc.
    • port: the port requested, eg 80 or 443 or some custom port.
  • if javascript tries to make an HTTP request (usually using window.fetch()) to the same domain, all is good, the browser doesn’t step in. The idea is that if you’re requesting data from the same domain, you probably wrote the javascript and control the server, so there should be no security risk.
  • however, if javascript tries to make an HTTP request to a DIFFERENT domain, then the browser get’s a little bossy, and steps in front of the request, sending a special preflight OPTIONS request to the server asking if the server would be OK with receiving a request from that domain.
  • this “prefight” OPTIONS request indicates to the server what type of request javascript wants to make, and the server signals it’s approval/dissapproval by returning a set of headers, called CORS headers. These headers include:
    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin — a list of origins that are allowed, or * for everyone is allowed.
    • Access-Control-Allow-Methods — a list of HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc) allowed, or * for all methods allowed.
    • Access-Control-Allow-Headers — a list of HTTP Headers allowed, or * for `all headers allowed.
  • so for example, if a server wants to indicate that only GET requests from are accepted, it would send back these headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ''
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: 'GET'
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '*'
  • or, if a server didn’t have any security concerns at all, and wanted to let the whole world access it via javacript, it would send back:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*'
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: '*'
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '*'

NPM lifecycle scripts

  • we’ve already learned that npm supports declaring little helper scripts, which are shell commands, via the "scripts" sub-object in package.json:
  "name": "rad-app",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "parcel build index.html"
  • sometimes though, you need to do run several shell commands to get your job done. In that case, one thing you can do is combine your shell statements with && or ; like so:
  "name": "rad-app",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc src/*.tsx && parcel build index.html && prettier . --write"
  • this works, but it can get a little unweildy if you have several things that you want do do, or especially if several scripts need to do the SAME preparatory work. In that case, npm lifecycle scripts can be a great way to clean up and organize your scripts.
  • the basic idea behind lifecycle scripts is that before running an arbitrary npm script called (for example) goat, npm will check if there is a pre<scriptname> (in this example, that would be pregoat) script defined, and if there is, it will run that first. Then, after it runs goat, it will check if there is a post<scriptname> (postgoat) script, and run that afterwards. This allows us to clean up the 3-part script shown in the example above to become this:
  "name": "rad-app",
  "scripts": {
    "prebuild": "tsc src/*.tsx",
    "build": "parcel build index.html",
    "postbuild": "prettier . --write"

node Environment variables with process.env

  • sometimes we want to do slightly different things in our node.js code, for instance we might want to talk to a development API when we’re developing, and talk to the production API when our website is deployed.
  • the way to handle this scenario is through the concept of an environment, or environment variables. Think of it like a set of facts given to a process. Every unix process has an environment, whether you realize it or not. You can view the environment of your shell’s process by typing the printenv command.
  • in node.js land, the environment is exposed through the global process variable, which we learned about a long time ago. The process variable has a env property that lets us see which environment variables are defined for the running node process:
  • we can set environment variables for node as simple bash variables when we kick of the node process, which means that instead of running this command:
node myscript.js
  • we would execute something like this:
GOAT=banjorodeo node myscript
  • if we kicked off the node process starting with GOAT=banjorodeo as shown above, we could console.log(process.env.GOAT) and get the string "banjorodeo" back out.
  • trying to access a env variable that doesn’t exists works just like trying to access any non-existent property of any object in javascript — we just get back undefined:
// -> `undefined`
  • a very common use case for node environment variables is for passing development or production URLs to an app, like so:
  "name": "rad-app",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "API_URL=http://localhost:1111 next dev",
    "build": "API_URL= next build"
  • one thing a bit tricky to wrap your brain around is that often we’re trying to pass node environment variables to a web app, where the javascript runs in a browser. In the browser there is no process.env. So how does this work? The answer is that bundlers (like parcel and webpack) copy important environment variables INTO the generated bundle, creating a fake process object. Thanks bundlers!

Homework Plan

  • 1 days review all flashcards (in your app)
  • 1 day Flashcard app API assignment (part 1)
  • 1 day Flashcard app API assignment (part 2)
  • 1 day Akron Snowmen assignment
  • 1 day watch parse http request videos (32 min. total): video #1  video #2  video #3
  • 1 days touch typing practice
  • 4 days Execute Program homework

  • Akron Snowmen Assignment

    • slowly and carefully review the “Anchor element” section from the “New Stuff” above ^^^.
    • connect to your Akron Snowmen repo in vscode, then:
      • switch to master
      • pull from upstream
      • create a new branch called nav-links
    • using the info from new stuff above, connect the four links in the nav bar to four sections of the page (it doesn’t matter if the nav link text perfetly matches the section linked to, we’ll sort that out later) so that if you click any of the links it smoothly scrolls to that section.
    • commit your work
    • next, figure out how to make it so that the correct nav link is shown as “active” (underlined) at the right time. Some hints/requirements:
      • when the page loads, the first nav element should be considered active
      • when you click a nav link and scroll to another section, the nav link that was clicked should become “active”
      • you’re probably going to need some react state in some component — but before you start typing code, stroke your beard for a minute or two and think about which component should own the state, and what the state should look like.
      • assuming you create a piece of state, give it the strictest typescript type you can come up with.
    • when you’ve got it all working, double-check that the storybook dir has no errors, and that you can still view all of the stories.
    • commit your work
    • build your branch, and submit a MR and slack both urls, then address any feedback I give you in MR comments.

    Flashcard API Assignment (part 1)

    • slowly and carefully review the “process.env”, “CORS”, and “npm lifecyle” sections of the new stuff above ^^^.
    • make sure you’ve addressed all of my feedback on the MR from last week, then merge.
    • switch to master, pull from origin, and then delete your branch from last week.
    • create a new branch called api
    • add two lines to the "compilerOptions" sub-object of your ./tsconfig.json file (make sure you obey .json rules, especially trailing commas):
      • "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true and
      • "outDir": "./dist"
    • create a new file called server/index.ts with the following code in it:
    import * as http from "http";
    const listenerFn: http.RequestListener = (req, res) => {
      const statusCode = 200;
      const statusMsg = `OK`;
      res.writeHead(statusCode, statusMsg, {
        "Random-Header": `beep boop`,
      res.end(`goat banjo rodeo`);
    const server = http.createServer(listenerFn);
    const PORT = Number(
      process.env.NODE_ENV === `DEVELOPMENT`
        ? process.env.DEV_API_PORT
        : process.env.PROD_API_PORT
    server.listen(PORT, () => {
      console.log(`listening on port`, PORT);
    • study the code for a few minutes
do you understand what all the parts mean? Look carefully at lines 16-20, do you follow how I’m using process.env to set a port based on the value of process.env.NODE_ENV?
    • (by the way, DEV_API_PORT and PROD_API_PORT are environment variables I set up for you on the HTC machine. To see where I defined them, cat out ~/.user_env from your terminal. Do you see where the variables are defined? Then cat out ~/.bashrc — do you see where the .user_env file is included automatically?)
    • Ok, next let’s build and run your server. Since we wrote it in typescript, we’ll have to compile it javascript, since node doesn’t understand TS (and we’re not using deno).
    • first, we’re going to make a folder inside of dist for our built-server file to go. to do that, just type a bash command that will make an empty directory called server that lives inside of your ./dist folder.
    • now that you’ve ensured there’s an empty ./dist/server dir, run the following command to build your server file into javascript: tsc ./server/index.ts --outDir ./dist/server. That command just tells typescript to compile the ./server/index.ts file and put the compiled javascript into ./dist/server/. You shouldn’t get any errors.
    • now use the ls command to peek into your ./dist/server/ dir — you should see a index.js file there. cat it out for fun—can you follow most of what the typescript compiler did to make it into plain javascript? Cool, right? 😎
    • now that we have a built js file, we can run our node server. To do that, run the command: node ./dist/server/index.js. You should see a message: listening on port <your-port>. Hit your server in your browser (you may need to forward that port) by going to http://localhost:<yourport>. You should see the text "goat banjo rodeo".
    • next, pop open the dev tools and refresh the page. See if you can find the Random-Header of beep boop we set on line 8 — it will be a “Response header” since the server sent that header.
    • now, change the message goat banjo rodeo on line 11 to something else, then view the page in the browser again. It should not have changed. :( Do you know why? Think about it for a minute

    • the reason it didn’t change is that the node process is still serving up the compiled ./dist/server/index.js file. We’ll need to both recompile and restart the node server to see our change. To do that, do these steps:
      • kill the node server with <Ctrl-C>
      • recompile the javascript (using the same command as above)
      • restart your dev server by running the same command you used to start it the time before
      • you should see your new http response
    • kill your node server again. this time, i want you to re-start it, but in a way that causes it to be run on a different port — on your DEV_API_PORT. Study lines 16-20 of ./server/index.js to figure out what you need to do, and refer to the process.env section of new stuff if necessary as well.
    • ok, this all this compiling, starting and restarting is taking too much time and mental energy. Let’s add som NPM scripts to make our life easier. Start by adding one to compile the server typescript. Add a script "compile-api" to your package.json, the script should be "tsc ./server/index.ts --outDir ./dist/server". NOTE: this is the same as the compile command we’ve been running manually, we’re just packaging it up in an NPM script so we can run it by typing npm run compile-api instead.
    • but, it would also be nice to make it so we never get an error if the ./dist/server/ dir doesn’t exist, so let’s use a lifecycle script to make sure that that directory is always there before we compile. To do that, add another script called "precompile-api" with the command "mkdir -p ./dist/server".
    • cool, now every time we run npm run compile-api npm will take care of running the precompile-api script for us. Thanks NPM!
    • OK, the next thing we want to take care of is running the api server, and it would be really nice if there was a way we could automatically restart the dev server whenever a change was made. Luckily, someone out there in the open source community took care of this for us, by creating an npm package called nodemon which works like node except it ”monitors” the file and restarts every time it changes. Thanks random internet person! Type npm install nodemon to install the nodemon package.
    • alright, now for some real npm script wizardry. Add a script called "dev-api" to your package.json — with this command: "npm run compile-api -- --watch & NODE_ENV=DEVELOPMENT nodemon ./dist/server/index.js".
    • let’s break that last command down to inspect the wizardry:
      • npm run compile-api -- --watch runs our compile command, but the added -- --watch passes another flag to the tsc command, putting it into watch mode — this compiles the typescript, but keeps the compiler watching, so it will recompile anytime you make a change. You’ve seen me use the --watch flag in class a few times.
      • then, the second part of the command, which is NODE_ENV=DEVELOPMENT nodemon ./dist/server/index.js is not too hard to understand. All we’ve done is set an environment variable (making process.env.NODE_ENV equal "DEVELOPMENT"), and we’ve changed out node for nodemon. Using nodemon works just like the node command except it will automatically restart when the file it’s running changes. So that means, when we modify the server/index.ts file, typescript (which is watchingn for changes) will notice, and recompile — then nodemon (which is watching ./dist/server/index.js) for changes will notice that it’s file changed, and restart. Pretty sweet!
      • finally, the last new thing here is that I specifically joined these two sub-commands with & and NOT &&. The basic meaning of the & char in bash is to run the command before it in the background. But you can think of it like this: joining the two commands with & makes them BOTH RUN at the same time. This means we don’t have to fire up two terminal instances, one for our typescript compiler watcher, and one for the nodemon watcher. With the & char, we get to run both in the same terminal. Pure wizardry!
    • OK, now let’s take our dev-api script for a spin by running npm run dev-api in the vscode terminal. If we did everything correctly, you should be able to view your “api” in a browser. Then, go to server/index.ts and make a change to line 11 where we set the output. Go head and change that text again, and watch the terminal output. You should see that typescript noticed the change and recompiled, and nodemon also noticed the change and restarted. Now view the page in the browser again — it should have the updated text, and you didn’t need to recompile or restart node. 👍
    • make sure the dev-api script is working, if it didn’t work, study the previous steps very carefully, and then reach out in Slack for help.
    • commit your work.
    • advance to Part 2 (when you’re ready).

    Flashcard API Assignment (part 2)

    • connect to your flashcards repo, and make sure you committed your work at the end of working on part 1.
    • OK, now we’re going to work on starting to integrate your API server to serve your flashcard data to your app. We’ll go step by step.
    • start by firing up your API dev server by running npm run dev-api (the command we built in part 1). Forward the port (if necessary) and check that it’s serving correctly by opening it up in a browser. The URL will be http://localhost:<PORT> where <PORT> is the port that nodemon reports the server is listening on.
    • Now, what we want to do is have your api return JSON of your flashcards data instead of the random string you typed in in part 1. Start by moving the file that contains your card data into the ./server directory. You will get typescript compilation errors if you don’t do this. While you’re at it, make sure it does NOT have a tsx extension — tsx is only for React components, and this file should be pure data with a .ts extension, not .tsx.
    • Now, modify your ./server/index.ts file so that:
      • it imports your card data
      • it sends your card data to in the response as a json string
      • it sets the Content-Type header to application/json — which is how the server tells the browser that it’s sending it JSON instead of HTML.
    • our fancy npm run dev-api script should have taken care of recompiling and restarting the server — but if you have any syntax or typescript errors in your source code, it might get fouled up — in which case you’ll need to kill that script and re-run it. But if you did it right, you should be able to load the page up in a browser again and see a big JSON blob of your card data.
    • use the dev tools inspector to verify that you correctly send the header Content-type: application/json.
    • commit your work
    • ok, next, we need to address the fact that we pulled the card data file out of it’s old spot, and the flashcard web app was importing it somewhere. Go find that file (which should show a typescript red squiggle) and delete the import, because we’re no longer going to be getting the card data from a typescript file, instead, we’re going to be fetching it from our API with a HTTP request.
    • (Aside: if you have more than one place in your app where the card data was imported, you’ll need to fix this by passing the data as props instead of importing it more than once.)
    • when you find the file where the card data was imported and you delete the import, you should get some errors later on in the file because the data variable no longer exists. Temporarily fix that error by hard-coding the variable to have the value of an empty array. So, for example, if your variable was called cardData, add a line somewhere that says: const cardData = [];.
    • OK, now we’ve deleted all the data from our web-app, but it theoretically should be able to be run and visited in a browser, it just will have zero cards. Let’s try to run the web-app now to see if it’s still working (albeit with no data). To do that, start your web-app with npm run start. If you encounter errors in the terminal, see if you can fix them. If they are not easy to fix, don’t go worry too much, we might need to keep going to get things un-broken. But it’s also very possible that your web-app will build and run just fine with an empty set of cards.
    • (Note on terminology: up until this week, your flashcard app was just a single SPA web app. So I could always say ‘start your dev server,’ ‘kill your dev server,’ build, etc. and it was always the main and only flashcard app I was talking about. But now, this week, we’re breaking the app into TWO parts, an API SERVER which is new, and the SPA web app which talks to the API. So, now there are two different parts of your app you will need to start and stop. I’ll try to be clear which I’m talking about by saying “start your web-app” or “start the api server”, etc. Try not to get confused!)
    • Now, to finish the homework, you’ll need to have your web app fetch the card data from your API. Once you’ve got it working, the flashcards app should work the same way it always did, except that it will take a half-second to load the data from the API server instead of immediately loading and rendering with your cards. Before you start trying to implement this, carefully read through the following list of hints and requirements:
      • your card data will need to be tracked as react state from now on. Initialize it to an empty array (representing zero cards).
      • study the last code example block from the new stuff on this page. It shows nearly exactly how you will need to set up your state, and update it when the fetch request comes back.
      • implement a rudimentary loading state for your app, which should show whenever you don’t have any card data yet from the server. To do this, just return early from your component with a message like <p>Loading...</p>. You would want to do this only when the cardData.length === 0.
      • remember, to have this working you’ll need to have two terminal instances going at the same time: one with your api server running npm run dev-api and another running your web-app dev server npm run start.
      • When you try to fetch your API data for the first time, you should get a CORS error. That’s good, I want you to get the CORS error first and see it, before you fix it. To fix the CORS error, see the “Fixing CORS error” section below.
      • once you’ve got it working (in dev mode), commit your work and then add the 5 new cards detailed below in the new cards section. You don’t need to build, because we’ll need to do a few more steps to deploy an always-running production API for your built app to talk to, and we’ll do that next week.
    • Fixing the CORS error:
      • to make the browser allow your API request, your server has to implement CORS.
      • that just means two things: first, it has to respond to the OPTIONS request with a set of permissive CORS headers, and 2) it should also send the permissive CORS headers on non-OPTIONS requests as well.
      • start by modifying your listenerFn in ./server/index.ts. Test if the method is OPTIONS by using req.method. If the method is OPTIONSreturn early, with a status code of 204, a status message of No Content, and a set of super-permissive CORS headers (see New Stuff above ^^^).
      • if the method is NOT OPTIONS you still need to add the permissive CORS headers, but the status code and message should remain 200 and OK.
      • you should notice now that you’re handling two types of requests that share 3 of the same headers. Find a way to make sure you don’t duplicate the CORS headers twice in your code, rather make it so you could update your CORS headers in one place and have both request types receive the change.
    • New Cards:
      • in the css category, add a box-sizing card (forgot this one last week)
      • in the HTML category, add a card for CORS.
      • in the HTML category, add a card for the HTTP method OPTIONS (be sure to use the term “preflight” in your definition)
      • in the node category, add a card for “npm lifecycle scripts”
      • in the node category, add a card for process.env (in your definition, show how to set an env variable when invoking node)
    ← All homework