Year #2, Week #4 💻 ️🛸

New stuff we learned this week: 🤔


  • Storybook is a library for building and testing components in isolation. Think of it like a workbench for building lego pieces to make complex websites.
  • once storybook is installed, it references story files which are in a special directory (usually called stories/) and they file name is in the format: <something>.stories.tsx.
  • A story file has some boilerplate, you’ll always need some basic things, which look about like this:
import React from "react";
import { Meta } from "@storybook/react";
import MyComponent from "../MyComponent";

const storiesMeta: Meta = {
  title: "MyComponent",
  component: MyComponent,

export default storiesMeta;
  • For each story file, you’ll be testing/building a single component (usually), and so you’d change out MyComponent for whatever you’re working on.
  • To create individual stories, you just start making NAMED exports, each of which is a function that returns some JSX, which is basically just you passing some props to the component for that story:
// ... ^^^ boilerplate above

export const MyRadStory = () => {
  return <MyComponent prop1={true} prop2="goats" />;

export const AnotherStory = () => {
  return <MyComponent prop1={false} prop2="banjo" />;
  • One cool feature of Storybook is that you can set a different layout for your story files, using the parameters property of the storiesMeta default export. Two really useful alternates to the default are: centered and fullscreen:
// ... ^^^ import boilerplate above

const storiesMeta: Meta = {
  title: "MyComponent",
  component: MyComponent,
  parameters: {
    layout: "centered", // or `fullscreen`


  • Fancy bundler/compilers (like Parcel and Webpack) have a neat trick up their sleeve. They allow you to import CSS as if it was a javacript file:
import React from "react";
import "./MyComponent.css"; // 😎 WHOA!
  • This allows you to cleanly separate CSS for each component, and the bundler will take care of making a real CSS stylesheet for you that the browser can understand.

Useful Links:

Homework Plan

(very light due to conference)

  • 1 day review all flashcards
  • 1 day touch typing practice
  • 3 days Execute Program homework
  • 1 day Storybook homework

  • Storybook Homework

    • connect with vscode to your ~/y2-w4/flashcards dir and initialize a git repository. Connect it to a new repo (project) on Gitlab.
    • commit the work you did in class and push what you did in class, warts and all. Doing this will allow you to make a MR, which will make it easier to see what you worked on this week.
    • now, make a new branch
    • start up storybook by running the correct npm script (look in the package.json) if you don’t remember what that was. You’ll need to forward the port
    • next, finish up the basic styling of your Card component, getting it to look like a flashcard. Don’t go crazy, making it look amazing, but use Flexbox and a few tweaks to make it look like a flashcard.
    • commit your work
    • next, add a new component called Chrome. (In softward development, “chrome” refers to the stuff that sort of lives around your app, like a “dashboard” of a car holds all of the controls and guages and read-outs). Requirements/hints for the Chrome component:
      • it needs to have a Chrome.stories.tsx file
      • it should import it’s css as shown in “New Stuff” above
      • use the layout: "fullscreen" option shown in “New Stuff” above
      • it should have a strip across the top that has the name of the app, something like “HTC Flashcards”.
      • you’ll need to add min-height: 100vh to the Chrome component css, to make sure it takes up the full window.
      • it should have a strip across the bottom that shows your “progress”, like “2 of 13” if you were looking at the second card of 13 total.
      • in order to show the “2 of 13” the Chrome component should accept two props.
      • the Chrome component should not be self-closing — it should allow you to pass some jsx in as the children prop. Eventually, we’ll pass our Card component in as the child.
      • using flexbox, make sure that whatever component gets passed in as children is centered within the chrome.
      • here’s an example of a very basic version for you to look at if you’re having trouble understanding what I mean:—basic-chrome
    • when you’ve got your component working, commit your work, and build your storybook site by running npm run build-storybook. That will make your storybook site publicly available at http://<youruser>
    • push up a MR
    • slack your MR url and your storybook site url
    ← All homework