Week 17 Homework 💻 😷

Instead of regular homework this week, I’m just going to give you a handful of tasks to review and solidify some of the stuff we’ve been learning. You can make all of the webpages in ~/www/week17 and the node exercises you can do in ~/node/week17.

Web Task #1: changing animals

Make a webpage that has a picture of an animal, and every second for four seconds the image changes to a different animal

Web Task #2: floating/dissappearing image

Make a webpage that has a long paragraph of text with a picture of an image floated to the top left, and when you click the paragraph the image floats to the top right, and when you click the image the image dissappears

Web Task #3: moving squares

Make a webpage that has four colored squares, stacked on top of each other, each 100px by 100px, but different colors. make it so that after 5 seconds, the squares move to the four corners of the webpage, and then after 5 more seconds they line up side by side

EXTRA CREDIT ✨ Web Task #4: countdown to goat

Make a webpage that displays the number 30 when loaded, and each second, the number decreases until it hits zero, at which point the webpage turns red and a goat appears. (Hint: there is a function in javascript called setInterval that works exactly like setTimeout except it runs the function over and over again, so setInterval(foo, 1000) runs the foo function every one second).

CLI Task #1: reviewing commands

ssh into your home dir, and make a new directory called cli-practice and then cd into it. Then, pull out all of your flashcards labeled SHELL and work through them each, carefully practicing their usage, creating as many temporary files and directories as you need for practice sake. For each each command:

  • view the man page (if it has one)
  • practice using different flags (if applicable)
  • if it’s not a command, but just a concept, figure out a couple ways to practice the concept
  • if it’s a command that accepts variadic arguments, practice it with multiple arguments
  • if it makes sense, see if you can figure out and practice using the command (or concept) together with shell expansion

Node Task #1: hashtag

Make a node.js script called hashtag.js that takes 3 arguments from the command line and smushes them together with a hashtag in front, so that if I do:

$ node hashtag.js goat banjo rodeo

It should console.log out #goatbanjorodeo.

Node Task #2: knock knock

Make a node.js script called knock-knock.js that tells a knock-knock joke by printing lines to standard out, but there should be a second or so between each line, so it feels like it’s telling you a real joke

EXTRA CREDIT ✨ Node Task #3: temperature

Make a node.js script so that you can pass a temperature in Fahrenheight, and it prints out the same temperature in celcius (the formula is c = (f - 32) x (5 / 9)) - it should work like this:

$ node temp.js 32
> 32 degrees Fahrenheight is 0 degrees Celcius
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